Translating with MutationObserver & Getting Query String Value

Some events cannot be hooked onto certain elements. For instance, you can't define a 'load' event handler for a <div> element. What you can do is to execute JavaScript after the element.

   document.querySelector(“div").innerHTML = …;</script>

Contrasting events on existing elements, a MutationObersver allows you to invoke a function when a DOM tree is modified.

This implements a simple multi-lingual translator for a website.
// translations.jsvar languages = ['en','fr','de'];var translations = {"___000___":[
   "Best Web Translator",
   "Meilleur traducteur Web",
   "Bester Webübersetzer"],"___001___":[
   "Welcome to the Best Translator of the Web",
   "Bienvenue chez le meilleur traducteur du Web",
   "Willkommen beim besten Übersetzer im Web"],"___002___":[
   "Do you have something to translate today?",
   "Avez-vous quelque chose à traduire aujourd'hui?",
   "Haben Sie heute etwas zu übersetzen?"],"___003___":[
   "Seriously I can help you.",
   "Sérieusement, je peux vous aider.",
   "Im Ernst, ich kann dir helfen."],}

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <script src="translations.js"></script>
        var langInd = languages.indexOf((new
        if (langInd==-1) langInd = 0;
        function translateNode(n){
            let t = n.textContent;
            if (n.childNodes.length>0)
                 for (let nn of n.childNodes) translateNode(nn);
            else if (t.includes("___")){
                let ti = t.substring
                if (translations[ti]) n.textContent =
        function translator(mutations){
            for (let m of mutations){
                for (let n of m.addedNodes) translateNode(n);
        (new MutationObserver(translator)).
                observe(document, {childList:true,
            attributes:true, characterData:true, subtree:true});


Note that if you invoke the observe() function at the end of the body, it will not observe the part of the body already loaded.