import React from "react";import { Image, PixelRatio, ScrollView, StyleSheet, Text, TextInput, View } from "react-native";const size = 50;const cat = { uri: "", width: size, height: size};const App = () => ( Current Pixel Ratio is: {PixelRatio.get()} Current Font Scale is: {PixelRatio.getFontScale()} On this device images with a layout width of {size} px require images with a pixel width of {PixelRatio.getPixelSizeForLayoutSize(size)} px );const styles = StyleSheet.create({ scrollContainer: {flext: 1, marginTop: "2em", justifyContent: "center"}, container: {justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center"}, value: {fontSize: 24, marginBottom: 12, marginTop: 4}});export default App;