Feature Policy

The Feature Policy API allows you to programmatically access the currently supported features of the document.

This returns a Boolean that indicates whether a particular feature is enabled in the specified context.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><script>
if (document.featurePolicy.allowsFeature("camera"))
  document.write("FP allows camera.");
  document.write("FP does not allows camera.");
This returns a list of names of all features supported by the User-Agent. Feature whose name appears on the list might not be allowed by the Feature Policy of the current execution context and/or might not be accessible because of user's permissions.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><script>
for (const directive of document.featurePolicy.features()) document.write(directive+"<br/>");
This returns a list of names of all features supported by the User Agent and allowed by the Feature Policy. Note that features appearing on this list might still be behind user permission.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><script>
for (const directive of document.featurePolicy.allowedFeatures()) document.write(directive+"<br/>");
This returns the Allow list for the specified feature.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><script>
for (const origin of document.featurePolicy.getAllowlistForFeature("camera")) document.write(origin+"<br/>");