Screen Display

The window.screen object provides information about the screen display of the device. It can be used to lock the screen orientation in fullscreen mode and on apps.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body>
      function p(s){document.write(s+"<br/>");}
      p("height: " + screen.height);
      p("width: "+ screen.width);
      p("availTop: "+ screen.availTop);
      p("availLeft: "+ screen.availLeft);
      p("availHeight: "+ screen.availHeight);
      p("availWidth: "+ screen.availWidth);
      p("pixelDepth: "+ screen.pixelDepth);
      p("colorDepth: "+ screen.colorDepth);
      p("orientation: "+ screen.orientation.type);
      p("angle: "+ screen.orientation.angle);
      //screen.orientation.lock("portrait");  // Promise
The window.visualViewport object provides information about the viewport (possibly of an iframe). Try resizing the iframe below.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><body style="height:400px">
   <iframe src="/" style="position:absolute; left:100px;top:100px;resize:both;"></iframe>
      function p(s){document.querySelector("p").innerHTML += s+"<br/>";}
      var ifv = document.querySelector("iframe").contentWindow.visualViewport;
      ifv.onresize = ifv.onscroll = function(e){
         p(ifv.pageLeft);  // scroll position
         p(ifv.pageTop);   // scroll position
         p(ifv.scale);  // pinch-zoom scaling factor
      visualViewport.onresize = function(e){ = 'scale(' + (1.0/visualViewport.scale) + ')';
Clicking the image toggles the fullscreen mode. Note that any element can be displayed in fullscreen mode.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><body style="height:200px">
   <img src="/shared/puppy.jpg"/>
   document.images[0].addEventListener("click", toggleFullScreen, false);
   function toggleFullScreen() {
      if (!document.fullscreenElement) {
         document.images[0].requestFullscreen(); // a Promise
      } else {
         if (document.exitFullscreen) {
            document.exitFullscreen();   // a Promise
The 'document.visibilityState' string indicates the current visibility state of the document. Its possible values are:
visible: The page content may be at least partially visible. In practice, this means that the page is the foreground tab of a non-minimized window.
hidden: The page's content is not visible to the user, either due to the document's tab being in the background or part of a window that is minimized or because the device's screen is off.
prerender: The page's content is being prerendered and is not visible to the user. A document may start in the prerender state, but will never switch to this state from any other state since a document can only prerender once.
unloaded: The page is in the process of being unloaded from memory.

function handleVisibilityChange() {
   if (document.visibilityState=="hidden") {
   } else {
document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", handleVisibilityChange, false);