Indexing enables efficient searches of data.
IndexedDB is organized into structured indexed databases.
A database contains object stores (comparable to tables in SQL), which in turn contain objects or other types of data.
An object store can be structured in 4 ways:
keyPath | autoIncrement | |
(none) | false | The object store can hold any value. You must supply a separate key argument whenever you want to add a new value. |
'key' | false | The object store can only hold objects. The object must have a property with the same name as the key path. |
(none) | true | The object store can hold any value. The key is generated for you automatically, or you can supply a separate key argument if you want to use a specific key. |
'key' | true | The object store can only hold objects. Usually, a key is generated and the value of the generated key is stored in the object in a property with the same name as the key path. If such a property already exists, the value of that property is used as the key rather than generating a new key. |
The operations for IndexedDB are mostly asynchronous, which means that before a function returns, other code may continue.
Note that window.indexedDB implements IDBFactory.
IDBFactory |
Methods: IDBOpenDBRequest open(String dbName, int version) IDBOpenDBRequest delete(String dbName) int cmp(Any a, Any b) |
IDBOpenDBRequest |
Inherits: IDBRequest |
Handlers: function(e) onblocked function(e) onupgradeneeded |
IDBDatabase |
Inherits: EventTarget |
Properties: String name int version version DOMStringList objectStoreNames |
Handlers: function(e) onabort function(e) onerror function(e) onversionchange |
Methods: void close() IDBObjectStore createObjectStore(String name, Object opt) void deleteObjectStore(String name) IDBTransaction transaction(String[] stores[, String mode]) ... mode : 'readwrite', 'readonly', 'versionchange' |
IDBRequest |
Inherits: EventTarget |
Properties: IDBObjectStore result DOMError error Object source IDBTransaction transaction IDBRequestReadyState readyState |
Handlers: function(e) onerror function(e) onsuccess |
IDBTransaction |
Inherits: EventTarget |
Properties: IDBDatabase db IDBTransaction Mode mode DOMError error |
Methods: void abort() IDBObjectStore objectStore(String name) |
Handlers: function(e) onabort function(e) oncomplete function(e) onerror |
IDBObjectStore |
Properties: DOMStringList indexNames Any keyPath String name IDBTransaction transaction Boolean autoIncrement |
Methods: IDBRequest add(Any item [, Any key]) IDBRequest clear() IDBRequest delete(Any key) IDBRequest get(Any key) IDBIndex createIndex(String index, Any key[, Object options]) void deleteIndex(String index) IDBIndex IDBRequest index(String index) IDBRequest put(Any item [,Any key]) IDBRequest openCursor([KeyRange r [, String direction]]) |
IDBIndex |
Inherits: EventTarget |
Properties: String name IDBObjectStore objectStore Any keyPath Boolean multiEntry Boolean unique |
Methods: IDBRequest count() IDBRequest get(Any key) IDBRequest getKey(Any key) IDBRequest openCursor() IDBRequest openKeyCursor() |
IDBCursor |
Properties: IDBObjectStore/IDBIndex source String direction Any key Any primaryKey |
Methods: void advance(int positions) void continue([Any key]) IDBRequest delete() IDBRequest update(Any new) |
IDBCursorWithValue |
Inherits: IDBCursor |
Properties: Any value |
IDBKeyRange |
Properties: Any lower Any upper Boolean lowerOpen Boolean upperOpen |
Methods: IDBKeyRange bound(Any lower, Any upper, Boolean lowerOpen, Boolean upperOpen) IDBKeyRange only(Any value) IDBKeyRange lowerBound(Any value[, Boolean open]) IDBKeyRange upperBound(Any value[, Boolean open]) |
IDBVersionChangeEvent |
Properties: unsigned long long oldVersion unsigned long long newVersion |
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><script>
var db;
const students = [
{id:'H423498', name:'Mike', clss:'5D', age:11},
{id:'A213132', name:'Bill', clss:'4H', age:10},
{id:'H234324', name:'Paul', clss:'4H', age:7}];
if(indexedDB){ //indexedDB.deleteDatabase('myDB');
var request ='myDB',3);
request.onerror = function(e){
alert("Why didn't you allow me to use IndexedDB?");
request.onsuccess = function(e){ // This event is fired after the ‘upgradeneeded’ event if the latter is ever fired.
db =;
request.onupgradeneeded = function(e){ // This event is fired when you create a new database or increase the version number.
// Furthermore, you can only create object stores in this event.
db =;
var os = db.createObjectStore('students', {keyPath:'id'});
os.transaction.oncomplete = function(e){
T = db.transaction(['students'],'readwrite');
var sos = T.objectStore('students');
for (i in students) {sos.add(students[i]);}
function addStudents(){
var T = db.transaction(['students'],'readwrite');
var sos = T.objectStore('students');
sos.add({id:'C577564', name:'Alam', clss:'3A', age:10});
sos.add({id:'C234464', name:'Alex', clss:'2B', age:8});
function removeStudents(){
var T = db.transaction(['students'],'readwrite');
var sos = T.objectStore('students');
function getStudent(){
var sos = db.transaction(['students'],'readwrite').objectStore('students');
var index = sos.index('name');
index.get('Bill').onsuccess = function(e){ // access by index
data =;
document.getElementsByTagName('p')[0].innerHTML = + " " + + " " +
data.clss + " " + data.age + "<br/>";
function getStudents(){
var sos = db.transaction(['students'],'readwrite').objectStore('students');
var index = sos.index('clss'); // access by index
var range = IDBKeyRange.bound('1A','4H',false,false); // including 1A and 4H
index.openCursor(range,'prev').onsuccess = function(e){
var cursor =;
if (cursor){
document.getElementsByTagName('p')[0].innerHTML += + " " + cursor.key + " " +
cursor.value.clss+" "+cursor.value.age+"<br/>";
function changeStudent(){
var sos = db.transaction(['students'],'readwrite').objectStore('students');
var request = sos.get('C577564'); // access by key
request.onsuccess = function(e) {
data = request.result;
data.age = 9;
request2 = sos.put(data);
function printStudents(){
document.getElementsByTagName('p')[0].innerHTML=""; // A transaction will become inactive if you return to the event loop without using it.
var T = db.transaction(['students'],'readwrite'); // 'T' here must not be declared globally once only.
var sos = T.objectStore('students');
sos.openCursor().onsuccess = function(e){ //access by key
var cursor =;
if (cursor){
document.getElementsByTagName('p')[0].innerHTML += cursor.key + " " + + " " +
cursor.value.clss + " " + cursor.value.age + "<br/>";
<body style="height:200px">
<button onclick="addStudents();">Add students</button>
<button onclick="removeStudents();">Remove students</button>
<button onclick="getStudent();">Get by name</button>
<button onclick="getStudents();">Get by class</button>
<button onclick="changeStudent();">Change by id</button>
<button onclick="printStudents();">Print students</button>
As you can see, the syntax of IndexedDB can be not very intuitive. To ease development, consider using one of the following libraries:
ZangoDB: A MongoDB-like interface for IndexedDB that supports most of the familiar filtering, projection, sorting, updating, and aggregation features of MongoDB.
MiniMongo: A client-side in-memory mongodb backed by localstorage with server sync over HTTP. MiniMongo is used by MeteorJS.
idb: A tiny (~1.15k) library that mostly mirrors the IndexedDB API, but with small improvements that make a big difference to usability.
idb-keyval: A super-simple-small (~600B) promise-based keyval store implemented with IndexedDB
sifrr-storage: A small (~2kB) promise based library for client-side key-value storage. Works with IndexedDB, localStorage, WebSQL, Cookies. Can automatically use supported storage available based on priority.
lovefield: Lovefield is a relational database for web apps. Written in JavaScript, works cross-browser. Provides SQL-like APIs that are fast, safe, and easy to use.