URL & Network Information

The URL interface allows you to parse and encode URL strings.
<!doctype html><html>
var u = new URL("https://my-site.com:8080/products/watch?id=abc123&name=G%20Shock#main%20section");
    u.protocol,                   // https:
    u.hostname,                   // my-site.com
    u.port,                       // 8080
    u.pathname,                   // /products/watch
    u.searchParams.get('name'),   // G Shock
    u.hash);                      // main%20section;
u = new URL("../cats", "http://www.example.com/dogs");
console.log(u.toString());  // http://www.example.com/cats
u.href = "http://www.example.com/fish";
u.port = 8000;
document.querySelector("p").innerHTML = u.origin;      // http://www.example.com:8000
The NetworkInformation interface describes information about the client's network.
<!doctype html><html>
var c = navigator.connection;
c.addEventListener('change',()=>{    // eg. when the Wifi is disconnected
/*NetworkInformation {
    onchange: null,
    effectiveType: "4g",
    rtt: 100,        // round-trip time in milliseconds
    downlink: 8.5,   // effective bandwidth in kbps
    saveData: false  // reduced data usage?