Initializing Shaders

10 steps are involved in the use of the vertex and fragment shaders.

Step 1: Code both shaders using the Shading Language.
The code for a shader can exist as string literals inside a JavaScript or as text content inside the <script> tags outside a JavaScript. We shall see how to do both.

Step 2: Create a shader object for both shaders.
This is done by calling the constructor createShader(type) where 'type' can be VERTEX_SHADER or FRAGMENT_SHADER.

Step 3: Specify the source code for the shader objects.
This is done by calling shaderSource(shader, source). Note that if the sources exist as text inside the <script> tags, they need to be parsed into strings first.

Step 4: Compile the shaders objects.
This is done by calling compileShader(shader).

Step 5: Check the status of the shader compilation.
This is done by calling getShaderParameter (shader,pname). pname can be SHADER_TYPE, DELETE_STATUS, COMPILE_STATUS.

Step 6: Create a program object.
This is done by calling createProgram().

Step 7: Attach both shader objects to the program object.
This is done by calling attachShader (program, shader).

Step 8: Link the program object.
This is done by calling linkProgram(program).

Step 9: Check the status of the linking of the program object.
This is done by calling getProgramParameter(program,pname) where pname can be DELETE_STATUS, LINK_STATUS, VALIDATE_STATUS, ATTACHED_SHADERS, ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES, ACTIVE_UNIFORMS. The first three return true or false; the last three return an integer.

Step 10: Tell WebGL to use the program.
This is done by calling useProgram(program).

The function initShaders() can automatically tell whether the parameters are strings of shader programs or the tag ids of the shader programs. If the strings passed in contain “main” and “(“, the strings are shader programs.
// /shared/webgl-library.js
function initShaders(gl,vs,fs){
   vsScript = (vs.indexOf("main")>0 && vs.indexOf("(")>0)?
   fsScript = (fs.indexOf("main")>0 && fs.indexOf("(")>0)?
   vsObj = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER);
   fsObj = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
   if (!gl.getShaderParameter(vsObj,gl.COMPILE_STATUS)){
      alert("Can't compile the vertex shader.");
   if (!gl.getShaderParameter(fsObj,gl.COMPILE_STATUS)){
      alert("Can't compile the fragment shader.");
   var p = gl.createProgram();
   if (!gl.getProgramParameter(p, gl.LINK_STATUS)){
      alert("Can't link the shaders-attached program.");
   return p;

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
<script src="/shared/webgl-library.js"></script>
<script id="vs" type="x-shader/x-vertex">
   void main(){
      gl_Position = vec4(0.0,0.5,0.0,1.0);
<script id="fs" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
   precision mediump float;
   void main(){
function draw_point(){
   var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
   var gl = canvas.getContext("webgl");
<body onload="draw_point()">
   <canvas id="myCanvas" width="500" height="500">
      Please use a browser that supports 'canvas'.

Here are some other related functions:

isShader(shader) returns true if 'shader' is a shader object. isProgram(program) returns true if 'program' is a program object.

getShaderInfoLog(shader) returns the information about a shader object as a string. getProgramInfoLog(program) return the information about a program object as a string. validateProgram(program)checks to see if the program is executable given the current states. The information is stored in the program's information log.

deleteShader(shader) deletes a shader object. deleteProgram(program) deletes a program object.

detachShader(program,shader) detaches a shader object from a program object. getShaderSource(shader) returns the source code of the shader object as a string. getAttachedShaders(program) returns an array of shader objects that are attached to 'program'.

bindAttribLocation(program,index, attribute-name) associates a user-defined attribute variable in 'program' with a generic vertex attribute index. If attribute-name refers to a matrix attribute variable, the index refers to the first column, (index+1) refers to the second column, and so on.