
This is a <Router> that uses the hash portion of the URL (i.e. window.location.hash) to keep your UI in sync with the URL.

For instance, when you send www.mywebsite.com/#/person/john, the server gets www.mywebsite.com and client-side React handles '/person/john/' . The # part is used to prevent us from sending repeated GET requests. Server-side routing is thus independent from client-side routing.

                     hashType={“slash" | “noslash" | “hashbang"}>
  <App /></HashRouter>

  getUserConfirmation={(message, callback) => {    // this is the default behavior
    const allowTransition = window.confirm(message);

"slash" - Creates hashes like #/ and #/sunshine/lollipops

"noslash" - Creates hashes like # and #sunshine/lollipops

"hashbang" - Creates “ajax crawlable” (deprecated by Google) hashes like #!/ and #!/sunshine/lollipops