Publishing to App Stores

You will need to compile your app to publish it on an app store such as Google Play Store and Apple App Store. The following guide explains how to queue your app on Expo for building.

To build an Android Package (.apk):

expo build:android -t apk

To build an Android App Bundle (.aab):

expo build:android -t app-bundle

This is preferred over .apk.

If you choose to let Expo generate a keystore for you, you should later run

expo fetch:android:keystore

and backup your keystore to a safe location. The file will be required when you are publishing your Android app on Google Play Console.

Note that when you run 'expo build', Expo automatically publishes your app (with 'expo publish').

To build an iOS Archive:

expo build:ios -t archive

To build an iOS Simulator:

expo build:ios -t archive

With the simulator build, you can test your standalone app on a simulator. If you want to publish your app to the store or distribute it with tools like TestFlight, you must use the archive.

After building it, download the file from the Expo site of the given URL.