HTML Templates

The <template> and <slot> elements enable you to write markup templates that are not displayed in the rendered page. These can then be reused multiple times as the basis of a custom element's structure.

<template id="element-details-template">
  details {font-family: "Open Sans Light",Helvetica,Arial}
  .name {font-weight: bold; color: #217ac0; font-size: 120%}
  h4 { margin: 10px 0 -8px 0; }
  h4 span { background: #217ac0; padding: 2px 6px 2px 6px }
  h4 span { border: 1px solid #cee9f9; border-radius: 4px }
  h4 span { color: white }
  .attributes { margin-left: 22px; font-size: 90% }
  .attributes p { margin-left: 16px; font-style: italic }
        <code class="name">&lt;
             <slot name="element-name">NEED NAME</slot>&gt;</code>
        <i class="desc"><slot name="description">NEED DESCRIPTION</slot></i>
    <div class="attributes">
      <slot name="attributes"><p>None</p></slot>