Special Component Members

The special React lifecycle methods are (Chapter 6):

- constructor()

- render()

- componentDidMount()

- componentDidUpdate()

- componentWillUnmount()

- shouldComponentUpdate()

- getSnapshotBeforeUpdate()

- static getDerivedStateFromProps()

The special React error boundary methods are (Chapter 6):

- componentDidCatch(e,eInfo)

- static getDerivedStateFromError(e)

Each component also provides some other functional APIs to be used within the component class methods:

- setState() (5.1)

- forceUpdate() (12.2)

The special React instance properties are:

- this.props (Chapter 2)

- this.props.children (2.5)

- this.state (Chapter 5)

- this.context (Chapter 8)

The special React attributes are:

key (2.3)

className (3.3)

htmlFor (3.4)

dangerouslySetInnerHTML (3.6)

suppressContentEditableWarning (3.7)

suppressHydrationWarning (3.8)

value (for <textarea> and <select>)


onChange (Chapter 4)

ref (Chapter 7)