
Server-side Rendering (SSR) allows dynamic components to be served to the clients as static HTML. This can improve loading speed and enhance search engine optimization (SEO).

To set up a Node.js Express server that supports SSR with React:

mkdir MyProjectcd MyProjectnpm initnpm install express react react-dom
npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-cli webpack-node-externals @babel/core ¿ babel-loader @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react concurrently nodemon

'express' is a very popular Node.js web framework.

'webpack' bundles your .js files into a single file.

'babel' compiles your 'import' statements (preset-env) and JSX statements (preset-react) into native JavaScript code.

'concurrently' allows you to run the webpack watcher and the 'nodemon' server in parallel.

'nodemon' allows you to launch a Node.js server that updates itself automatically as it watches for changes in the source files.

To set up the assets bundler webpack for our use, add a file named 'MyProject/webpack.config.js' with the following contents:

const js = {
   test: /\.js$/,
   exclude: /node_modules/,
   use: {
     loader: "babel-loader",
     options: {
       presets: ["@babel/preset-env", "@babel/preset-react"],
   }, };const serverConfig = {
   mode: "development",
   target: "node",
   node: {
     __dirname: false,
   entry: {
     "server.js": "./server.js"
   module: {
     rules: [js],
   output: {
     path: "D:/xampp/htdocs/my-react/test/test4/dist/",
     filename: "[name]",
   }, }; const clientConfig = {
   mode: "development",
   target: "web",
   entry: {
     "home.js": "./public/home.js"
   module: {
     rules: [js],
   output: {
     filename: "[name]",
   }, }; module.exports = [serverConfig, clientConfig];

'entry' specifies the files to start with when trying to follow 'import' statements. 'output' specifies the directory to place the bundled-up files.

Lastly, edit the file 'package.json':

... "scripts": { "start":"webpack && concurrently \"webpack --watch\" \"nodemon .\\dist\\server.js\"" },......

Running 'npm start' will compile all the server-side .js JSX files onto the directory dist/, and launch the Node.js server. (We will describe server.js in the following section.)